101 &About CDStarter Config Editor... 114 There was an error executing the file "%s". 115 The specified file "%s" was not found. 116 The program file "%s" is not a valid Win32® application. 128 There was an error loading the options. 129 Please enter a non-zero number for %s. 130 Please select an icon from the list. 131 Please select a file to load icons from. 133 There was an error loading the icon. Please make sure you have specified a valid filename and icon index. 134 Please specify the icon filename. 135 Are you sure you want to remove button "%s" from language "%s"? 136 Are you sure you want to remove the language "%s" and all buttons for this language? 137 Language "%s" is currently the default language, are you sure you want to remove it? 138 The current file has changed. Do you want to save it? 139 Could not find cdstarter.exe. Please ensure cdstarter.exe is in the same directory as cdstarterconfig.exe. 140 Please define some buttons for the current language before testing.